
&& i'll dance on top of your grave MTHRFKR

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About Me

I have a mind of my own, opinions, feelings. I breathe, I hurt, I cry, I laugh, just like everyone else. I am human, I make mistakes. I’m not perfect, nor do I think I am, but my flaws are what make me unique and set me apart from others. I don’t blend in with the crowd, I stand out. Do not confuse my confidence with arrogance. In no way am I a stuck-up bitch who walks all over people and tries to bring others down. In reality, I am shy until I can open up to people and trust them.
Don’t assume things about me if you don’t have your facts straight. Get to know me, you’ll realize I’m a much different person than what you have heard. I’m not the one to sit here and fight over the internet for hours, so if you decide to send me any form of hatemail and are expecting a huge ordeal out of it, take it somewhere else. I’ll most likely ignore you and block you, or point out the misunderstandings in your assumptions.
I don’t fall to criticism, I’ll stand out more and shove it right back in your face.
Gender Female
Age 16
Location London, ENG
Ethnicity Other
Interested in Both
Status In an open relationship

Contact Me

IM xXshesucksXx


Showing latest 3 of 3 comments

i cant see my comment

By SnAzzY on Aug 31, 2008 3:43 pm · History

whats the problem

By SnAzzY on Aug 31, 2008 3:43 pm · History

how r u
its cool blog
why dont u be on aim
im there always
see u

By SnAzzY on Aug 31, 2008 3:42 pm · History


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Registered Jun 6, 2008
Last update Jun 18, 2009

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